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    1 200 Lekë In Stock

    This book shares the author's experiences that have helped her become the person she is today! She takes the reader through different processes to help them succeed and realize the role mindset plays in our lives and how positive, intentional actions can essentially impact everyone. Creating your life vision and doing meaningful work is the way that we...

    1 200 Lekë
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    2 000 Lekë In Stock
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    1 200 Lekë In Stock

    Historite e rrugetimit te grave shqiptare ne kete liber tregojne se si shkolla e jetes e gjithseciles frymzon lexuesin per te kuptuar se s­dat e jetes jane aty per te na rritur dhe bere me influencues ne rrugetimin tone.

    1 200 Lekë
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    1 200 Lekë In Stock

    This book covers the foundational framework every entrepreneur needs at every phase and stage of business such as mindset, branding, marketing, sales, systems and team. The reader will walk away with practical education and skills to build a legacy business that makes both an impact and profit.

    1 200 Lekë
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    900 Lekë In Stock

    Librat poetikë përbëjnë historinë e emocioneve të çdo autori, të punëve, të sjelljeve, të qëndresës dhe arritjeve të tij dobiprurëse. Mendimi i çdo njeriu është një parafakt. Ajo që ndodh ka jetuar më parë në mendjen e tij. Mendja e poetëve është enciklopedia e emocioneve. Edhe faktet e vogla në bëmat vetjake, shembëllejnë me bëmat e mëdha të njerëzimit,...

    900 Lekë
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Showing 1 - 5 of 5 items