Hysen Dizdari HDI0004
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The album book with Albanian postage stamps, dedicated to Mother Teresa, came out of the first edition in 2018. Now 6 years have passed and this book has been well received by readers, by especially by philately researchers and collectors of Albanian postage stamps, in Albania and foreign countries.
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Taking into account the high moral and human values of this book, but also the numerous requests of the readers, we are re-printing it on the occasion of the 112-th anniversary of the birth and the 8th anniversary of the burial of Saint Mother Teresa.
During these years, the book-album: "Mother Teresa on Albanian stamps", edition of 2018, has participated in philatelic book exhibitions on an international scale and has been awarded 3 prizes (medals) as follows:
1-In the exhibition, international: "China-2019”, it was evaluated with a Silver medal.
2-In the exhibition, international: "Cinisello-Balsamo-2019", Italy, it was evaluated with-Vermil medal.
3-In the international exhibition: "Nordia-2019", it was evaluated with a Silver medal.
In the new edition, the shortcomings and criticisms presented by this book in the international philatelic book exhibitions have been taken into account, taking as a basis the refinements of the evaluation criteria of philatelic literature, proposed by the World Association of Philatelic Authors (AIJP. org, of which I am a member).
Appropriate improvements have been made, taking into account the new changes that have been reflected in the new edition of the Michel-2024 catalog of the Northern Balkans, which includes Albania.
Saint Mother Teresa with her spiritual, moral and humanitarian mission, dedicated to the poor all over the world, has also received positive evaluations from world personalities.
Pope John Paul II, praising Mother Teresa, emphasized:
"How can we forget Gonxhe (Anjezë) Bojaxhiu, Mother Teresa of Calcutta, the daughter of the Albanian people who has given Honor and Glory to her Nation and the Catholic Church.”
And the former President of the USA, Bill Clinton, in 2002 emphasized: "Mother Terza was the first who made me love the Albanian Nation. And now I feel very proud that I fulfilled a moral duty, towards her and the values of freedom."On September 4, 2016, in St. Peter's Square in Vatican, in the presence of 250,000 believers and 15 world personalities, the Mass of the Signs of the canonization of the Saint and Blessed, Albanian Mother Teresa was held.Pope Francis, in Omeli on September 4, 2016, emphasized:"Mother Teresa has taught us to help people without differences of ideology, race and religious belief."The biographer of Mother Teresa, Don Lush Gjergji, author of 18 books dedicated to Mother Teresa, who is also the author of the foreword of this book, emphasizes: "Mother Teresa had fulfilled all the conditions to be declared a saint, so every day her followers, and the people called her Sancta Teresa - Saint Teresa, and September 4, 2016 arrived , the beautiful day when Pope Francis added her to the list of saints of the Catholic Church, adding that Mother Teresa is not only a value of Christianity, but a great value of mankind and belongs to all the people of the world."Saint Mother Terza, the famous Albanian, has become a Saint of Human Love, with her work in the service of the poor, all of them, without discrimination, race, ethnicity and religion, today she has become the most perfect model of respect, morality and love people, in all countries of the world.
Lloji i botimit | Hardcover |
pages | 50 |
ISBN | 9789928450319 |
Published year | 2018 |
Vendodhja e botimit | Tirane |
Gjuha | Shqip |
Tipi i publikimit | Album |
Numri i botimeve | Ribotim |
Përmasat | A5 |
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Në këtë libër, autorët paraqesin në mënyrë mjaft të thelluar Çrregullimin i quajtur deficit i vëmendjes dhe Hiperaktivitetit ose siç njihet në nivel ndërkombëtar Attention deficit hyperactyvity disorder (ADHD)
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Ky libër është pa asnjë dyshim më i miri nga zhanri i botimeve të vetëndihmesës dhe vetëshërimit për faktin se fuqia e mendjes dhe potenciali i saj për të ndikuar në shëndetin dhe mirëqenin e trupit ilustrohen në mënyrë të përsosur me fakte shkencore.
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From the collector Hysen S. Dizdari, this is a rare book of its kind, the only book published for Scanderbeg, in 105 years from the date of issue of the first Albanian stamp on May 5, 1913 by government of the patriot Ismail Qemali and deals with the full Albanian stamp collection for Scanderbeg from 1913 until 2017.
The book contains all the stamps emitted by the Albanian Post in the field of archeology from 1913 to 2018 and is divided into three periods that coincide with historical periods.
Albanian fauna, especially birds and birds, are a great natural asset of our country, and play an important role in the preservation of biodiversity, in keeping the natural environment clean, in the protection of agricultural plants, fruit trees, forests from diseases and pests.
Vitaminat dhe mineralet luajnë një rol vendimtar në rritjen dhe zhvillimin e organizmit të njeriut. Libri do ju sherbeje shume nenave te reja, per tu ndihmuar ne zgjedhjen e perimeve dhe frutave te cilat kane vlera te larta ne vitamina dhe minerale.
Libri Bibliografi :“Gjergj Kastrioti - Skënderbeu në veprat e autorve shqiptare 1480-2023”, me autor studiuesin dhe koleksionistin Hysen S. Dizdari, është një libër i rrallë në llojin e vet, i vetmi libër Bibliografik kushtuar veprave të autorve shqiptarë për Heroin tonë Kombëtarë Gjergj Kastrioti Skënderben.