Wild, Elsie G-9780785843245
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A layflat binding makes the workbook easy to write in and its compact size means you can work on your grown-up skills everywhere you go. Even if you don’t yet feel like an adult, this guided workbook will help get you on your way. With so much of our lives and contact going digital, the Guided Workbooks offer an intimate way to nurture your connection with yourself and the people around you. Libri vjen brenda 15-20 ditesh ne Shqiperi
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Shtëpia Botuese | Quarto Publishing Group | |
ISBN | 9780785843245 | |
Customer Reviews
Whether you’re 22 or 52, learn all the things about adulthood they didn’t teach you at school in this accessible and encouraging workbook. Being an adult is hard. And it’s not just the big things like buying your own home, getting married, having children, or saying goodbye through death or divorce that make us feel like grown-ups—it’s all the necessary little things along the way that nobody celebrates, but that are hard nonetheless.
When 63% of Gen Zers and Millennials (representing ages 18 to 42) report not feeling like they were prepared for the responsibility of being an adult and that they're already feeling burned out by adulthood, something has to change. The Adulting Workbook gets it, and is here to help. It's one part habit tracker, one part advice guide, and one part cheerleader, giving you tips and tricks on a variety of adulting subjects.
You'll also find celebratory reward badge icons for adult milestones, such as: “I made a shopping list and followed it.” “I made a phone call.” “I put on clothes that weren't pajamas.” “I didn't waste my afternoon scrolling on social media.” “I worked out.” “I paid a bill on time.” “I put the dishes away.” “I updated my resume.” "I drank water." By earning these “I did it!” successes along the way, you’ll feel good about the small steps you take on your path to full-fledged adulthood. Comfortably arranged by topic, you can jump to the chapters that affect you the most, so you can learn just what you need for this moment. Subjects include: Financial Management (budgets, taxes, 401(k) & IRAs, savings, handling debt, buying big-ticket items); one in three Gen Zers and Millenials say they do not feel financially independent Employment and Career (resumes, how to dress appropriately, how to act/speak in meetings, office relationships) Health & Wellness (regular checkups and screenings, preventive medicine, diet and exercise) Relationships (romantic, platonic, friendships, neighbors, roommates) Home (down payments, furnishings, what to stock in the cupboards, cleaning and maintenance 101); half of Gen Zers and Millenials feel they will never be able to afford a home, and this book will show them the path Within each topic are guided writing prompts to explore why you’re stuck and actionable "Adulting Challenge" exercises to get you moving again.
Other books in the series include: Finding Your Authentic Self, Stop Overthinking, 5-Minute Productivity Workbook, 3-Minute Positivity Workbook, 52 Weeks to Better Mental Health, Tarot: A Guided Workbook to Unlock and Explore Your Magickal Intuition, Astrology: A Guided Workbook to Understand and Explore the Wisdom of the Universe, and Finding Your Balance: A Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Workbook.
Lloji i botimit | Paperback |
pages | 192 |
ISBN | 9780785843245 |
Published year | 21 Dec 2023 |
Vendodhja e botimit | United Kingdom |
Gjuha | Anglisht |
Tipi i publikimit | Libër |
Grupmosha e leximit | mbi 18-vjeç |
Statusi | I ri |
Numri i botimeve | I parë |
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