Që të shpëtosh fëmijën nga qëndrimi i...
Why did the taxi crash on the autobahn in Vienna?Who exactly were Besfort Y and Rovena, the mysterious couple who died after being flung from the back seat?How was Besfort connected to the war in the Balkans? And why was his affair with Rovena clouded in jealousy and mistrust?Who wanted them dead?This is the story of the last forty weeks of their lives -...
This simple tale by Albania's most eminent and gifted novelist serves to lift the veil on one of the most secret and mysterious countries of modern Europe.
Yuval Noah Harari envisions a near future in which we face a new set of challenges. Homo Deus explores the projects, dreams and nightmares that will shape the twenty-first century and beyond - from overcoming death to creating artificial life.It asks the fundamental questions: how can we protect this fragile world from our own destructive power? And what...
Libri “Divjakë-Karavasta” është vlerë e çmuar, pasaportë natyrore për Shqipërinë, pas një pune disa vjeçare e hedhur ne faqet librit të përshkruar me detaje pasurive natyrore të trashëguara ndër breza nga Dr. Marianne Graf që na japin jetë. Libri është në tre gjuhë: shqip, anglisht dhe gjermanisht