Tirana guide book Shiko më të madhe

Tirana guide book

Grup autorësh A-008489

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Tirana In Your Pocket, already an amazing 10 issues old, provides everything its title promises and is packed full of useful and entirely independent information about the city from the best sights to visit during a whistle-stop stay to the best restaurants in the city to where to buy painkillers in the middle of the night on your way home from a nightclub. We hope you enjoy exploring Tirana as much as we do writing about it.

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Shtëpia Botuese

Blue Editions

800 Lekë

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A modern city is perhaps best defined by its diversity, a definition Tirana falls under these days without any fear of contradiction.

True it possesses neither a train nor a bus station, but it does have gourmet burgers, bicycles to rent, free wireless internet connections and so much more to make up for its somewhat idiosyncratic public transport anomalies.

A city that seemingly never sleeps, full of friendly faces and featuring surprises hidden around every corner, Albania’s compact capital draws an abundance of visitors from budget backpackers looking for pastures new to entrepreneurs with an eye on the city’s emerging investment opportunities.

Të dhëna

Viti i Botimit2018
Tipi i publikimitguide
Grupmoshambi 10 vjeç
StatusiI ri
Numri i botimeveI parë