The J Curve : A New Way to Understand Why Nations Rise and Fall Shiko më të madhe

The J Curve : A New Way to Understand Why Nations Rise and Fall

Ian Bremmer G-9780743274722

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Përshkrim i shkurtër Locate nations on the J Curve - left for authoritarian, right for democratic. Then figure out how to force those on the left to open their societies, rather than encouraging them to shut them tighter by further isolating them. The West's isolation of Kim Jong-il's North Korea gives him the cover he needs to extend his brutal regime (the mistake the U.S.

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made for a long time with Saddam Hussein and Castro); in Saudi Arabia, western governments should encourage manageable change before the country breaks apart; they should help strengthen China's economy so it can further liberalize; they must encourage Israel to decide what kind of country it will be. Filled with imaginative and surprising examples of how to correct outworn political ideas, The J Curvepoints the way for western governments to lead the way to a realistic political balance and a healthier economic future.