How to Invest in Commercial Real Estate if You Know Nothing about Commercial Real Estate Shiko më të madhe

How to Invest in Commercial Real Estate if You Know Nothing about Commercial Real Estate

David A. Dowell & Bruce M. Stachenfeld G-9781632261403

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In How to Invest in Commercial Real Estate, authors Dowell and Stachenfeld have created the ultimate guide for anyone interested in getting smarter quickly on the complicated world of commercial real estate. In an easy-to-read format, the authors dissect nearly every aspect of commercial real estate investment, from the basic to the more complex, including asset segmentation, market analysis, deal structuring, promote mechanics, capital stack construction, commercial underwriting best-practices, risk assessment and mitigation, joint venture dynamics, and best-in-class investment processes just to name a few. But this book isn’t just for beginning investors.

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Even seasoned professionals will benefit from reading it, especially from the authors’ insights into the more intricate elements of the market. The authors, a commercial real estate investor and a commercial real estate attorney, have over seventy years combined of invaluable industry experience. Their love for their subject is palpable, and they pass along their passion and enthusiasm to the reader.

So, whether you are taking those first steps into commercial real estate investment or want to upgrade your existing expertise, How to Invest in Commercial Real Estate will prove to be a much needed and frequently referenced resource.