The Linchpin Writer : Crafting Your Novel's Key Moments Shiko më të madhe

The Linchpin Writer : Crafting Your Novel's Key Moments

John Matthew Fox G-9781737847403

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In every novel there are pivotal places that can make or break a book. Write them well, and you’ll have your readers begging for a sequel. Write them poorly, and your book will get scathing reviews and sell only a handful of copies. These pivotal places are “linchpin moments,” and in this book you’ll learn how to nail these moments.

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Based on real advice from editing hundreds of novels, John Matthew Fox guides writers through the process of creating a novel that soars in the reader’s imagination. After reading this book, you’ll be a better storyteller, a better self-editor, and a better writer.

In this book you’ll learn how to:
  • Flood your readers with strong emotions
  • Create memorable beginnings and endings
  • Describe characters for the first time
  • Make readers swoon in romantic scenes
  • Kill off characters (without enraging your readers)
  • Harness the element of surprise