Korca guide book Shiko më të madhe

Korca guide book

Grup autorësh A-008497

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What is there to do when coming to the old Bazaar? It is located at the entrance of the city, right next to “Shën Gjergji” Boulevard and the Touristic Information Center. The bazaar is a magnet that attracts many a tourist during each time of the day, with activities stretching until the night hours. It has indeed plenty to offer throughout the day. Changing every day and getting better and better if offers a new place to go and a new taste to experience, every time you visit it.

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Shtëpia Botuese

Blue Editions

500 Lekë

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Viti i Botimit2018
Tipi i publikimitGuide
Grupmoshambi 10 vjeç
StatusiI ri
Numri i botimeveRibotim