Love the food that loves you back Shiko më të madhe

Love the food that loves you back

Muhlstein, Ilana G-9781684813773

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You can eat more and weigh less, we show you how!Inside, you will find: Healthy recipes to make easy snacks and lunch ideas for adults and kids alikeRecipes to lower cholesterol, lose weight, and keep up a healthy eating lifestyleThe 2B Mindset program from Ilana Muhlstein who has lost over 100 pounds without sacrificing great mealsIf you liked Whole Food For Your Family, The Well Plated Cookbook, or Simple and Delicious Vegan, you’ill want to read Love the Food That Loves You Back.

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Healthy Recipes for Every Step of Your Weight Loss Journey"Get ready to indulge in creative and delicious recipes that serve up big portions and huge inspiration! This cookbook will no doubt become one of your secret weapons in the kitchen!" —Lisa Lillien a.k.a. Hungry Girl#1 Best Seller in Low Fat CookingIlana Muhlstein’s own 100-pound weight loss journey gives her the cutting edge in guiding thousands on their weight loss journey. Ilana’s first book You Can Drop It, was published by Simon & Schuster in 2020 and has sold over 50,000 copies.

Recipes for everyone in your tribe. Ilana has healthy recipes for the whole family to enjoy. From easy snacks for kids, lunch ideas for adults, to delicious dinner ideas, this cookbook for nutrition is packed with healthy recipes.

“Foods that love you back" are low calorie, super healthy and high volume foods, meaning you can eat a LOT of them. You don’t have to lose your figure to feed your family!Don’t sacrifice good food while trying to lose weight. Have you been on a high cholesterol diet? Are you looking for recipes to lower cholesterol? Have you been looking for a cookbook for nutrition? Are you looking for the next healthy bestselling cookbook? Well, you're in luck! Ilana created this cookbook full of healthy recipes that allow you to eat delicious and well-seasoned meals while also losing weight and keeping your health in check.


Të dhëna

Lloji i botimitMe kapak te holle
Viti i Botimit2024
VendodhjaUnited States
Tipi i publikimitLibër
GrupmoshaMbi 14 vjeç
StatusiI ri
Numri i botimeveI parë
Përmasat254 x 178