Little book of sex facts Shiko më të madhe

Little book of sex facts

Cayman, Sadie G-9781800076327

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Show off your sexpertise with this little book of titillating truths Having sex is great, and learning about it is too! Discover everything you wished you knew about sex with this pocket-sized cum-pendium of mind-blowing facts. Libri vjen brenda 15-20 ditesh ne Shqiperi

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Whether you want to impress your friends or learn some new moves, this book equips you with everything you need to become a certified sexpert. Sex is often discussed in hushed tones, but this candid collection of facts pulls no punches.

So prepare yourself for a wild ride as this no-holds-barred book answers all the questions you were too afraid to ask. Did you know... - Wearing socks can increase a woman's chances of having an orgasm.

- A single sperm contains 37.5 MB of DNA information - this means that one ejaculation has the data capacity of 62 laptops!

- Half an hour of sex is said to burn between 85 and 200 calories (the equivalent to 15 minutes on a treadmill).

Discover all this and much more! From funny to filthy, this book contains hundreds of jaw-dropping facts that will leave you shocked and amazed.

Të dhëna

Lloji i botimitMe kapak te holle
Viti i Botimit9 Nov 2023
VendodhjaUnited Kingdom
Tipi i publikimitLibër
Grupmoshambi 18-vjeç
StatusiI ri
Numri i botimeveI parë