Weight loss kitchen Shiko më të madhe

Weight loss kitchen

Hutchinson, Sarah G-9781915538048

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Përshkrim i shkurtër Giving you the power to take control of your health, The Weight Loss Kitchen is the last diet book you'll ever need.

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Shtëpia Botuese

Meze Publishing Limited

3 750 Lekë

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Written by elite fitness trainer and TikTok star Sarah Hutchinson and nutritionist Charlotte Taundry, The Weight Loss Kitchen offers readers a 28-day meal plan that nourishes both body and soul through calorie-controlled recipes and snacks. Focused on educating readers about changing their lifestyle rather than relying on fad diets, the book includes a calorie calculator for safe and effective weight loss alongside plenty of handy hints and FAQs. The meal plan was designed in collaboration with nutritionist Charlotte Taundry to create a high-protein, high-fibre diet that is also packed with delicious dishes to satisfy cravings and feed the soul, from a Creamy Coconut Chicken Curry to the Hearty All Day Breakfast.

Të dhëna

Lloji i botimitMe kapak te holle
Viti i Botimit21 Sep 2023
VendodhjaUnited States
Tipi i publikimitLibër
GrupmoshaMbi 14 vjeç
StatusiI ri
Numri i botimeveI parë