Subtle art of caring Shiko më të madhe

Subtle art of caring

Wolton, River G-9781915342218

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Poet, writer, activist, mentor, and Buddhist teacher River Wolton gives new life to these teachings as resources for a life in which compassion for self and others are mutually sustaining. Beautifully illustrated and with exercises, meditations, and reflections. Libri vjen brenda 15-20 ditesh ne shqiperi

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Shtëpia Botuese

Windhorse Publications

1 949 Lekë

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An inspired guide to sustaining compassion. The Buddha taught the practices of loving kindness, compassion, empathetic joy, and equanimity. These guide us in cultivating positive emotions and minimising harmful ones.

Të dhëna

Lloji i botimitMe kapak te holle
Viti i Botimit14 Nov 2023
VendodhjaUnited Kingdom
Tipi i publikimitLibër
GrupmoshaMbi 14 vjeç
StatusiI ri
Numri i botimeveI parë