Sapiens Shiko më të madhe


Yuval Noah Harari G-9781784873646

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Yuval Noah Harari's bestselling phenomenon now in a beautifully packaged new special edition. Planet Earth is 4.5 billion years old. In just a fraction of that time, one species among countless others has conquered it. Us. We are the most advanced and most destructive animals ever to have lived. What makes us brilliant? What makes us deadly? What makes us Sapiens?

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Shtëpia Botuese

Vintage Publishing

1 950 Lekë

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In this bold and provocative book, Yuval Noah Harari explores who we are, how we got here and where we're going. Sapiens is a thrilling account of humankind's extraordinary history - from the Stone Age to the Silicon Age - and our journey from insignificant apes to rulers of the world.

"Unbelievably good. Jaw dropping from the first word to the last"

-Chris Evans, BBC Radio 2

Të dhëna

Lloji i botimitMe kapak te trashe
Viti i Botimit2015
Tipi i publikimitLibër
StatusiI ri
Numri i botimeveI parë