I ri The CIA : An Imperial History Shiko më të madhe

The CIA : An Imperial History

Hugh Wilford G-9781399816854

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Even the CIA's post-9/11 global hunt for terrorists was haunted by the ghosts of empires past. Comprehensive, original, and gripping, The CIA is the story of the birth of a new imperial order in the shadows. It offers the most complete account yet of how America adopted unaccountable power and secrecy both at home and abroad. Ky libër vjen tek ju brenda 15-20 ditesh nga momenti i mbylljes se porosise.

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Shtëpia Botuese

John Murray

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A celebrated British historian of US intelligence explores how the CIA was born in anti-imperialist idealism but swiftly became an instrument of a new covert empire both in America and overseas. As World War II ended, the United States stood as the dominant power on the world stage. In 1947, to support its new global status, it created the CIA to analyse foreign intelligence.

But within a few years, the Agency was engaged in other operations: bolstering pro-American governments, overthrowing nationalist leaders, and surveilling anti-imperial dissenters in the US. The Cold War was an obvious reason for this transformation - but not the only one. In The CIA, celebrated intelligence historian Hugh Wilford draws on decades of research to show the Agency as part of a larger picture, the history of Western empire.

While young CIA officers imagined themselves as British imperial agents like T. E. Lawrence, successive US presidents used the covert powers of the Agency to hide overseas interventions from postcolonial foreigners and anti-imperial Americans alike.

Të dhëna

Lloji i botimitMe kapak te holle
Viti i Botimit6 Jun 2024
VendodhjaUnited Kingdom
Tipi i publikimitLibër
Grupmoshambi 18-vjeç
StatusiI ri
Numri i botimeveI parë
Përmasat155 x 234 x 30 (mm)