

Lista e librave sipas Shtëpisë Botuese Pearson Academic Computing

Shfaq 1 - 2 nga 2 libra
  • Shikim i shpejtë
    2 249 Lekë Nuk është në stok
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    This book is for anyone who has experienced a difficult person at work. Revealing the 9 different types of difficult people, there's a quick quiz so you can work out the personality type you're dealing with, and how to communicate with them effectively.  Decode the warning signs through stories of each type Discover practical tools and techniques for...

    2 249 Lekë
    Shto në shportë Më shumë
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  • Shikim i shpejtë
    2 600 Lekë Nuk është në stok

    This new edition of the UK's bestselling book on personal branding shows you how to discover the true value of your authentic self and channel this into a powerful personal brand, both online and offline. And that is what holds you back. Libri vjen brenda 15-20 ditesh ne Shqiperi

    2 600 Lekë
    Shto në shportë Më shumë
    Nuk është në stok
Shfaq 1 - 2 nga 2 libra