
Lista e librave sipas Shtëpisë Botuese John Murray

Shfaq 1 - 4 nga 4 libra
  • Shikim i shpejtë
    3 000 Lekë Nuk është në stok

    It will challenge you to leverage your strengths and address your development opportunities. It will invite the reader to create their own framework for becoming the best CEO candidate they can, to equip them for the role if they are in contention, and to challenge leaders at all levels to raise their game and lead greatly. All the leadership answers in...

    3 000 Lekë
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  • Shikim i shpejtë
    2 700 Lekë Nuk është në stok
    I ri

    How the AI-powered Metaverse Will Reshape the World. Over the last 100 years, technology has changed our world. Over the next decade it will transform our reality. Ky libër vjen tek ju brenda 15-20 ditesh nga momenti i mbylljes se porosise.

    2 700 Lekë
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  • Shikim i shpejtë
    2 700 Lekë Nuk është në stok
    I ri

    Even the CIA's post-9/11 global hunt for terrorists was haunted by the ghosts of empires past. Comprehensive, original, and gripping, The CIA is the story of the birth of a new imperial order in the shadows. It offers the most complete account yet of how America adopted unaccountable power and secrecy both at home and abroad. Ky libër vjen tek ju brenda...

    2 700 Lekë
    Shto në shportë Më shumë
    Nuk është në stok
  • Shikim i shpejtë
    4 100 Lekë Nuk është në stok
    I ri

    4 100 Lekë
    Shto në shportë Më shumë
    Nuk është në stok
Shfaq 1 - 4 nga 4 libra