Heidi Shiko më të madhe


Johanna Spyri G-9781853261251

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Shtëpia Botuese

Wordsworth Edition

650 Lekë

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Heidi is the heart-warming tale of a small girl's power for good, and it has remained a firm favourite since it was published over 100 years ago. It has been filmed and televised several times. It tells of the orphan Heidi and her idyllic existence with her gruff grandfather in the mountains.

When she is sent to live in a city, comic chaos ensues, and eventually it is arranged that Heidi should return to the mountains. Together she and her friend Peter, the goat-herd, achieve wondrous changes in the community in which they live.

Të dhëna

Lloji i botimitMe kapak te holle
Viti i Botimit5 Dec 1993
VendodhjaUnited Kingdom
Tipi i publikimitLibër
GrupmoshaMbi 7 vjeç
StatusiI ri
Numri i botimeveI parë