

Lista e librave sipas Shtëpisë Botuese Welbeck

Shfaq 1 - 3 nga 3 libra
  • Shikim i shpejtë
    1 949 Lekë Nuk është në stok
    I ri

    You don't need to devote hours to work on your wellbeing: you can improve your life by taking just 1% of your day to focus on your mental and emotional health. There are 1440 minutes in every 24 hours, subtract the optimal 8 hours of sleep and you're left with 960 minutes. 1% of those 960 minutes is just under 10 minutes. Libri vjen brenda 15-20 ditesh ne...

    1 949 Lekë
    Shto në shportë Më shumë
    Nuk është në stok
  • Shikim i shpejtë
    1 049 Lekë Nuk është në stok
    I ri

    For yoga and meditation practice, for daily affirmation and mental health, for manifestation and cleansing, and for setting specific intentions, here are over 100 mantras for different times of the day, such as at meals, with exercise or spiritual practice and before bedtime. Libri vjen tek ju, lexues brenda 15-20 ditesh. 

    1 049 Lekë
    Shto në shportë Më shumë
    Nuk është në stok
  • Shikim i shpejtë
    1 049 Lekë Nuk është në stok
    I ri

    This little book offers the basics to discover your individual life path number and the meanings attributed to those numbers. As numerology is concerned with self-discovery, it's become popular as a personal development tool. Libri vjen tek ju, lexues brenda 15-20 ditesh.

    1 049 Lekë
    Shto në shportë Më shumë
    Nuk është në stok
Shfaq 1 - 3 nga 3 libra