

Lista e librave sipas Shtëpisë Botuese Chicago University Press

Shfaq 1 - 2 nga 2 libra
  • Shikim i shpejtë
    2 700 Lekë Nuk është në stok
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      Rejecting the notion of an intractable divide between the humanities and the sciences, Prum proves that the contributions of queer and feminist theorists can help scientists understand the human body in new ways, yielding key insights into genetics, developmental biology, physiology. Sure to inspire discussion, Performance All the Way Down is a book...

    2 700 Lekë
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  • Shikim i shpejtë
    3 750 Lekë Nuk është në stok
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    An urgent reality check for America’s blinkered fixation on STEM education. We live in an era of STEM obsession. Not only do tech companies dominate American enterprise and economic growth while complaining of STEM shortages, but we also need scientific solutions to impending crises.

    3 750 Lekë
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Shfaq 1 - 2 nga 2 libra