Our planet powered by ai Shiko më të madhe

Our planet powered by ai

Minevich, Mark G-9781394180608

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Përshkrim i shkurtër You’ll also discover: How AI can enable new business strategies, models, and ecosystems of innovation and growthHow to develop societal impact and powerful organizational benefits with ethical AI implementations that incorporate transparency, fairness, privacy, and reliabilityWhat it means to enable all-inclusive artificial intelligence An engaging and hands-on exploration of how to take your firm to new levels of dynamism and growth, Our Planet Powered by AI will earn a place in the libraries of managers, executives, directors, and other business and technology leaders seeking to distinguish their companies in a new age of astonishing technological advancement and fierce competition.

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A hands-on guide to evolving your company with ethical AI along with thought-provoking insights and predictions from a variety of well-known industry leaders In Our Planet Powered by AI, renowned AI strategist and pioneer Mark Minevich delivers an exciting and practical discussion of how to implement groundbreaking artificial intelligence technologies at every level of your organization. You’ll learn to create sustainable, effective competitive advantage by introducing previously unheard-of levels of adaptability, resilience, and innovation into your company. Using real-world case studies from a variety of well-known industry leaders, the author explains the strategic archetypes, technological infrastructures, and cultures of sustainability you’ll need to ensure your firm’s next-level digital transformation takes root.

Të dhëna

Lloji i botimitMe kapak te trashe
Viti i Botimit24 Oct 2023
VendodhjaUnited States
Tipi i publikimitLibër
Grupmoshambi 18-vjeç
StatusiI ri
Numri i botimeveI parë
Përmasat200 x 241 x 25 (mm)