Boundless Shiko më të madhe


Afshar, Vala G-9781394171798

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Përshkrim i shkurtër Walking you through the blueprint for transformative, resilient business success, Boundless also offers: Strategies for mapping the Boundless principles to key technological advances, including digital platforms, blockchain, AI, robotics, cloud computing, and moreWays to achieve the operational, organizational, and technological shifts necessary to succeed in an entirely transformed worldTools for combatting the natural tendency of employees to accumulate and protect resources within company silosAn invaluable resource for managers, executives, directors, and other business leaders, Boundless will also earn a place in the libraries of founders, entrepreneurs, and consultants who seek to create an enduring competitive advantage for themselves or their clients.

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Transform your organization by making silos a thing of the past In Boundless, two leaders in transformation and customer success deliver an inspiring and exciting new approach to succeeding in an increasingly decentralized and digital-first world. In the book, you'll learn how to demolish organizational silos once and for all, allowing resources to flow across networks, ecosystems, and communities. The authors explain the seven principles underlying their unique and effective "Boundless" paradigm: connection, integration, decentralization, mobility, continuity, autonomy, and shared success.

Të dhëna

Lloji i botimitMe kapak te trashe
Viti i Botimit18 Sep 2023
VendodhjaUnited Kingdom
Tipi i publikimitLibër
Grupmoshambi 18-vjeç
StatusiI ri
Numri i botimeveI parë
Përmasat160 x 237 x 22 (mm)