Unnoticed entrepreneur Shiko më të madhe

Unnoticed entrepreneur

James, Jim G-9781394195343

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Përshkrim i shkurtër You'll learn how to: Construct a unique story around your business and communicate that story through effective brandingStand out from the competition by creating more compelling marketing materials and reaching out in a more targeted wayGenerate buzz around your business with creative offerings like podcasts, media interviews, surveys, AI content, and moreRise to the top of your market by using marketing technology, leveraging digital platforms, and understanding today's marketing work This is the perfect book for business owners and budding entrepreneurs looking for no-nonsense advice on how to really get ahead. You've got the ambition, and The UnNoticed Entrepreneur can help you realize it.

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Classic and outside-the-box tactics for taking your company to the next level The UnNoticed Entrepreneur gives you practical advice for drawing customers into your vision and rising above the rabble. Specifically, this book shows you how you can share the vision for your company, the why behind your product or service. If you can do that, customers will come.

The secret? You already have everything you need to become famous in your market. You don't need expensive ad agencies and faddish strategies. After all, you started your business, so you have the best understanding of what you're doing.

This book shows you how to communicate your purpose creatively, simply, and authentically through telling your story, personalising your marketing, engaging with customers and prospects, and getting the attention of the right people in the right channels. If you're passionate about creating value, making a difference, and benefitting others, this is the book for you. This collection of essays will give you ideas, help you make connections, and motivate you to put in the work you need to get noticed for all the good that you do.

Të dhëna

Lloji i botimitMe kapak te holle
Viti i Botimit25 Apr 2024
VendodhjaUnited Kingdom
Tipi i publikimitLibër
Grupmoshambi 18-vjeç
StatusiI ri
Numri i botimeveRibotim