The Art of Overcoming : Letting God Turn Your Endings into Beginnings Shiko më të madhe

The Art of Overcoming : Letting God Turn Your Endings into Beginnings

Tim Timberlake G-9780785238959

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Përshkrim i shkurtër Life is full of everyday setbacks. In The Art of Overcoming, you will learn how to process these moments and triumphantly move beyond them. The Art of Overcoming explores how we deal with loss, grief, and hurt, and challenges readers to keep what looks like endings from discouraging or derailing us.

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Shtëpia Botuese

Thomas Nelson Publishers

1 950 Lekë

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The pain we experience is real—but there's a difference between acknowledging it and giving into it. Rather than seeking a fake hope that pretends loss doesn't exist or doesn't matter, author and pastor Tim Timberlake encourages us to pursue hope rooted in God and gives this reminder: don't quit! The process of overcoming is not about understanding everything or living without pain, but about finding healthy ways to process the scary, strange, and sometimes devastating circumstances we face. The Art of Overcoming is divided into four parts, using the imagery of a traditional funeral ceremony as a framework to process the "death experiences" we face regularly in this crazy journey called life:A Matter of Life and Death explores five foundational perspectives about grief and lossThe Processional encourages us to face head-on the reality of our experiencesThe Eulogy helps us memorialize and honor what has been lost and how to process grief in a healthy wayThe Recessional is about closure as we discover life after death and move forward No matter what you've gone through or are in the middle of right now, better days are ahead.

Let God heal your heart in His timing, take time to grieve what needs to be grieved, and then celebrate the new life God lays out before you.

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Lloji i botimitMe kapak te holle
Viti i Botimit8 Jun 2023
VendodhjaUnited Kingdom
Tipi i publikimitLibër
GrupmoshaMbi 14 vjeç
StatusiI ri
Numri i botimeveI parë