Never tell anyone your name Shiko më të madhe

Never tell anyone your name

Ivanier, Federcio G-9781913109226

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Përshkrim i shkurtër The unnamed Uruguayan protagonist has accidentally booked the wrong ticket on a train journey between France and Spain and, finds himself in the Spanish border town of Irun with eight hours to kill. He meets a Spanish girl and her friend who befriend him, but we fear her intentions are not good. An unseen twist in the plot reveals our protagonist is not who he seems. Narrated in a disturbing second person present tense that constantly questions the reader and with a rhythm marked by suspense and inspired by the author's own experience of booking the wrong ticket on a train journey.

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Lloji i botimitMe kapak te holle
Viti i Botimit26 Oct 2023
VendodhjaUnited Kingdom
Tipi i publikimitLibër
GrupmoshaMbi 12 vjeç
StatusiI ri
Numri i botimeveI parë