I ri Lula Dean's Little Library of Banned Books Shiko më të madhe

Lula Dean's Little Library of Banned Books

Kirsten Miller G-9780008654276

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From the author of The Change, comes a novel about book banning and those brave enough to stand up against this censorship.In Troy, Georgia, Lula Dean has decided to cleanse the town's reading habits. Ky libër vjen tek ju brenda 15-20 ditesh nga momenti i mbylljes se porosise.

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All banned books have been removed from public spaces, and the townspeople are only allowed to read books Lula has deemed 'appropriate'.

But a small group refuse to be told what they can and can't read.

The revolution is coming ...* * *Praise for Kirsten Miller:

'Kirsten Miller has that rare ability to take a serious subject and make it very, very funny. I enjoyed this novel and you will too'

JAMES PATTERSON 'A roar of rage ...

I loved it' MARIAN KEYES'I couldn't put it down' ERIN KELLY'Bewitching and satisfying' THE INDEPENDENT

'A story that's as furious as it is tender' EMILY HENRY on The Change