Nje nga thrillerat me te mire te kohes tone, ne seri, shkruar mjeshtrisht nga Holly Jackson vjen ne gjuhen shqipe, nen kujdesin e Botart. Si vrasin vajzat e mbara eshte romani i pare i nje serie me disa vellime.
By #1 New York Times bestselling author Holly Black, the first book in a stunning new series about a mortal girl who finds herself caught in a web of royal faerie intrigue.Of course I want to be like them. They're beautiful as blades forged in some divine fire. They will live forever.
From the #1 New York Times bestselling author Holly Black comes the stunning blood-soaked conclusion to the Stolen Heir duology. Libri vjen tek ju brenda 15 diteve.
A vengeful queen. And a battle that will determine the future of Elfhame. Prince Oak is paying for his betrayal.